
With our partners, we bring innovation into the healthcare economy – and take innovative solutions to the next level.

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Group 3

Momentum for innovation

We provide individual support for innovative ideas. We offer startups and innovators the opportunity to collaborate with one of the most important companies in the pharmaceutical industry. Together we to develop digital solutions that enhance therapies for patients and physicians. Pfizer divisions benefit from the digital and data-driven solutions we develop in collaboration with innovators.

Our Healthcare Hubs empower digital and technological innovations for the healthcare industry and connect the startup ecosystem with the Pfizer Group.

Learn more about the Pfizer Healthcare Hub

Freiburg-Berlin: The Pfizer Innovation Axis

The Healthcare Hubs in Berlin and Freiburg drive innovation for the healthcare sector with their co-creation model: We support each innovation with a custom-made plan – personalized and flexible, a far cry from old-school cookie-cutter programs.

In Berlin, we focus on topics related to digital patient care. At our site in Freiburg we support one of the world's most modern production facilities in the pharmaceutical industry with innovative solutions for the drug production of the future.

Learn more about our hubs

Are you ready to cooperate with Pfizer? 

You have developed an innovative solution for the healthcare industry to market maturity? Yeah! 

We are looking for partners to co-create digital solutions for the following indication areas: cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, inflammatory and rare diseases, immunization and chronic pain.

We are also looking for collaboration partners to optimize our production and packaging processes, especially in the in the following areas: equipment reliability and predictability, changeover effectiveness and efficiency, predictable process performance, defect detection and elimination and sustainable production. Ready to take your solution to the next level with us? 

Schedule a virtual call!


News & Events


Matching innovative technologies with real-world applications: The Pfizer Healthcare Hub InnoSessions

The Pfizer Healthcare Hub links external innovators with interested Pfizer executives with its InnoSessions. Recently visiting: D-Wave, an innovator in the field of applied quantum technology, and the competence center for quantum computing and artificial intelligence QuantumBasel.


The arise Accelerator is kicking off its next round

Attention DeepTech startups in the Health, Industry, or Smart Region sectors: The arise Accelerator supports startups on their journey to market entry and beyond, providing comprehensive expertise and valuable contacts for the personal development of founders and customer acquisition. Applications are open until 03.03.


Quantum, Serendipity and Networks in "The Länd" and beyond

How can technological breakthroughs like quantum computing revolutionize the business world? At this year's first event in the "Burgers, Drinks & Brainfood" event series, the focus is on quantum technology. Peter Neske, Innovation Lead at the Healthcare Hub Freiburg, provides insights into how quantum research can be combined with practical applications.


10 Jahre 10 Fragen

10 years, 10 questions: A conversation about the beginnings of the Pfizer Healthcare Hub, takeaways and learnings

Digital Health & Life Sciences

Tomorrow's game changer: How the use of quantum computing can revolutionize the healthcare industry

Kamera Data Spree
Engineering & Manufacturing

Success factors for co-creation: How can an AI specialist and a pharmaceutical company drive innovation together?

Want to work with us?

Together we can make your solutions commercially viable and optimize patient care worldwide!


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Group 3