Our services for business units and specialized departments at Pfizer

Der Healthcare Hub hat uns wertvolles Optimierungspotenzial aufgezeigt und uns direkt mit einem Innovator aus dem Netzwerk des Hubs gematcht, der eine clevere Lösung für einen unserer Prozesse implementieren konnte - unter dem Strich können wir dadurch tagtäglich effizienter arbeiten.

Dr. Andrea Disch, IMEx Implementation Lead Packaging

Andrea Disch

Shaping the discourse

To identify and address current and future challenges in the healthcare industry, we contribute to shaping the public discourse by participating in selected conferences and events. On our website and through our social media channels, we announce upcoming events and report on key takeaways from the ones we attended.

More on events

Networking between expertise and innovation

An important part of our work is the identification of innovative solutions with real potential for drug production and other healthcare applications. To this end, we engage in a dynamic dialog with key players in the healthcare sector and the startup and tech scene, and we also collaborate with accelerators and incubators such as the Smart Green Accelerator or BadenCampus. Thanks to our networking activities, we can expand and extend our pool of potential cooperation partners with promising digital solutions and make sure that it is always highly topical. This know-how is the basis for the optimization and innovation of products and processes within Pfizer.

More about our partners and networks

Exchange with Pfizer colleagues

As an innovation facilitator, we are in constant dialog with Pfizer's business units and departments, at official events or in direct interactions. Pfizer colleagues can also contact us directly with their questions at any time:

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Want to work with us?

Together we can make your solutions commercially viable and optimize patient care worldwide!


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Group 3